Monday, June 27, 2016

Sea World!

The largest Sea World facility is located here in San Antonio, Texas. It is actually located right behind where I live so of course I had to go check it out.
It was awesome!
There were so many things to see and do. Everything from dolphins, killer whales, roller coasters, aquariums, penguins and even an aquatic acrobatic show.
My favorite part was the Sea Lions and Seals. Sea World has been getting a lot of "bad rep" in the news lately so it has changed quite a bit recently. I still had a fabulous time and would recommend a day trip if you happen to find yourself in the area.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Things that Make Me Smile #5

This was written on the inside cover of a bible I found in the hospital chapel.
There is a big gas station chain in Arizona called Terrible's.
Cracking jokes about "going to the terrible gas station" just never seemed to get old.
Clever :)
If you don't know why this is funny, it's okay, it's an ER thing.
"Careful guys, there be religious folks about."
This was hanging in a bookstore.
Did you get that Dauphnie?
This is the sign you read on the way out of the ER parking lot.
And in Texas, this isn't a joke, it's an actually warning