Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ice Hockey!

This sport is crazy, I love it! Went to see the Salt Lake City ice hockey team play at the Maverick Center. The Grizzlies. 
It was so much fun. Now, I don't know squat about hockey but this is the kind of sport where even if you don't have a clue about the rules or regulations of the game, it is still really fun to watch. These players are super athletic. They are crazy fast and all over that rink. I had never seen anyone skate backwards just as fast as they could skate forwards. I'm talking sliding stops, sharp corners, impossible reverses... it was awesome. They moved the puck around so fast half the time my eyes could barely keep up to where the dang thing was. When a player went down it was almost like they bounce right back up to the feet. 
The goalies, who were dressed in enough padding to crash a car into a brick wall, were amazingly flexible. Their reaction times for stopping the puck were incredible. A few times the goalie had caught the puck and I was looking around confused as to see where it had gone.
What really sets hockey apart from other sports is the contact between the player. I mean they are body slamming each other, smashing each other into walls, beating each other with hockey sticks and of course, the occasional fist fights. It was so crazy I couldn't stop watching.
One time a player took a shot and the puck cracked into the Plexiglas right in front of where me and my friends were sitting. My cousin and I both screamed and ducked creating a good show for all the other spectators sitting us. 
I also enjoyed how the player transitions from the bench to the rink. The players were flinging themselves over the wall onto the ice as their fellow players skated through a tiny little door for a break. The transition was highly entertaining :)
Of course to top off the whole exciting event, there was enough concession food to make every fan happy. I made a wonderful discover called a Funnel Cake. It's a scone-batter, powder sugar covered, yummy treat. I'm sure it was something close to 7,000 calories but hey it was worth it.
I highly recommend looking up your nearest ice hockey team, grabbing a few friends and buying tickets. 
I know nothing about hockey and had a fabulous time. Definitely will be going to another game.

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